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About us

Durga Studio believes that each of us are unique, bringing a diverse range of strengths, challenges and needs. We understand that spiritual unfoldment cannot be separated from your general well-being.

Here you can connect fully. Integrate body, mind & soul.
Our products and sessions are carefully prepared for you to experience your unique journey with joy & self love.  


The Goddess

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"Two greedy demons have plans to take over the world. These demons have usurped yogic powers undermining Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. They are yogis and have been through all kinds of rigorous training and certifications. When they appear before Lord Brahma, he gladly offers them the gift of immortality as a gesture of gratitude for all that they have accomplished.


The gods and goddesses notice the devastation and greed are ruining the planet. They suspect the demon brothers have gone too far and taken immediate action to put an end to these dark forces. At once, they pull together to create a powerful prayer to awaken the feminine, a plea that she return to help restore balance. From the centre of this prayer circle, Durga rises like a pillar of light, barefoot, and half-naked.

She sits upright on her tiger, with long flowing dark hair. The gods have offered her certain gifts of which she holds in her eight arms: sword, mace, discus, lotus blossom, conch, bow, trident, and shield. She takes these to battle with the dark forces. She is an exquisite warrior goddess: primal, instinctual, sensual, and fierce. She is the divine feminine.

This massive light was felt by everyone, including the two demons. They hear stories of Durga’s raw power and extraordinary beauty. They want to consume her for themselves. They obviously don’t understand that the feminine can never be bought, sold, or co-opted without major setbacks.

Durga goes to battle, eventually defeating these demon brothers and, with the help of her sister Kali, slays them for good.

When we awaken the energies of Durga, we come face to face with our feelings of doubt, fear, and inhibiting beliefs. It’s the same way we sabotage life and its creative capacities. Durga asks us to affirm life, to say yes to everything, including our shadow. She demands we confront our ego as pride and arrogance, as well as feelings of doubt, fear, and inhibition. In fact, if we are to grow, evolve, and awaken, we must embrace the dark.

Durga’s myth teaches us that when we take up a meditation practice, we wake up the vital life force within us that heals. She teaches us that part of awakening means being willing to confront negativity. Through daily meditation practice, we get an upsurge of energy, which begins to transmute this poison into nectar.

Durga is the life force in nature, the primal force behind a spiritual awakening. Durga is the force within you."

from How to Work the Power of Goddess Durga into Your Daily Life
By Jeanie Manchester

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